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Minecraft Bedrock: Betas VS Experiement Features

Honorable Member

Minecraft Bedrock: Betas VS Experiement Freatures

As of 12th March 2018, it was announced that a few feature called Experiment Features would be coming to all devices and it may have been a bit confusing. But in short: all devices will soon be able to test the features. But you might be a bit confused as to what the difference between the betas and experiment features are.

.. What IS the difference?

From the image above, Mega Spud confirms the difference between them. But in short: Betas are used for testing features early in their developement life cycle and will contain bug fixes and new features such as UI changes. Where as experiment features are used for testing features nearing release but are still in development and when enabled, a copy of he world will be made as some of these features may be unstable.

Topic starter Posted : 13/03/2018 1:54 pm