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Minecraft Bedrock: No More Update Aquatic Features for Phase 2 Confirmed!

Honorable Member

Minecraft Bedrock: No More Update Aquatic Features for Phase 2 Confirmed!

So the Update Aquatic was released a few weeks ago in phase 1 format for Bedrock and it has had a great impact both on the developers and the community. However this was only phase 1 so another phase is coming. It was confirmed today by ThorsHand about what features wont be in the Update Aquatic for Bedrock.

What seems to be happening is for Java edition, they are doing a mixture of Update Aquatic and needed features for the game where as for Bedrock... it doesnt seem to be the same. ThorsHand confirms here that bark blocks will NOT be in the second phase of Update Aquatic and that no more beta features will be implimented for the second phase.

The reasoning for this is not known to us at this time. While you can discuss that Bedrock will have 3 phases of Update Aquatic, we dont exactly know when the features like the phantom will be implimented but we can presume that it will be 1.6 or a "Third" phase of the Update Aquatic.

Topic starter Posted : 02/06/2018 3:23 am