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Minecraft Bedrock Update Aquatic Beta OUT NOW!

Honorable Member

Minecraft Update Aquatic Beta OUT NOW

The time has FINALLY come! No, not the Bedrock Engine on the Nintendo Switch or Super Duper Graphics, but the Update Aquatic Beta has FINALLY launched for Android, Windows 10 and Xbox One. Be sure to play it!

What does it contain?

It contains lots of cool things such as kelp, tridents, ACTUAL fish in the water and phantoms! Check out the changelog down below!

Here is one cool feature: expierimental features!

A handful of features from Update Aquatic have been added to the beta via Experimental Gameplay. These features are incomplete and are not representative of final gameplay but feedback is absolutely welcome!


Added Drowned mobs

Added theTrident and new enchantments (Channeling, Loyalty, Riptide and Impaling)

Added Stripped Wood

Added Slabs and Stairs for Prismarine,Prismarine Brick, and Dark Prismarine


Iron Golems no longer spawn when Mob Spawning is disabled

Rain, smoke particles, and shadows are no longer visible through lava

Disabling "Visible to LAN Players" for one world no longer disables it for all worlds

Buttons cloned in a "pressed" state no longer remain pressed forever

A warning now appears instructing not to close the game when exporting a world

Rhe power output of Redstone Comparators is no longer lost after a world is converted from Xbox One Edition

Pick Block no longer replaces the item currently selected in the hotbar if other slots are empty


Increased stability and fixed several crashes

Abandoned mineshafts no longer generate above ground

Fixed improper Mushroom Block obtained from giant red mushrooms when using Pick Block

Tools now work properly and no longer shake in-hand

Sticky Pistons no longer turn into regular Pistons after being renamed

Tripwire Hooks once again appear in Jungle Temples

Players can once again stand on top of ladders

Mob heads can no longer be duplicated by placing them in water

Strongholds once again generate with Mossy Stone Brick and Cracked Stone Brick

The maximum render distance on Xbox One X is once again 22 chunks

More than one line of text can once again be placed on signs

The B button no longer has to be pressed twice on the controller to deselect a skin in the Skin Picker

How do i join the beta?

To join the beta on Android, go to the Minecraft game and scroll down until you see *Beta tester*. Click on it then a few minutes later you should get an update. To leave the beta program, go to the same place where you enrolled but click unroll then uninstall Minecraft. Wait a few minutes then reinstall.

To join the beta on Xbox One or Windows 10, go to the Xbox Insider Hub, Insider Content, Minecraft, then join the beta! After a few minutes, you should get an update. To leave the beta, go to the same place you went to enroll but this time, click manage and unroll. Then uninstall Minecraft, wait a few minutes then reinstall the game.

Topic starter Posted : 15/03/2018 1:37 pm
Eminent Member

minecraft update aquatic beta out now

the time has finally come! No, not the bedrock engine on the nintendo switch or super duper graphics, but the update aquatic beta has finally launched for android, windows 10 and xbox one. Be sure to play it!

what does it contain?

it contains lots of cool things such as kelp, tridents, actual fish in the water and phantoms! Check out the changelog down below!

A handful of features from update aquatic have been added to the beta via experimental gameplay. These features are incomplete and are not representative of final gameplay but feedback is absolutely welcome!

Added drowned mobsadded the
trident and new enchantments (channeling, loyalty, riptide and impaling)
added stripped wood
added slabs and
stairs for prismarine,
prismarine brick, and
dark prismarine


iron golems no longer spawn when mob spawning is disabled

rain, smoke particles, and shadows are no longer visible through lava

disabling "visible to lan players" for one world no longer disables it for all worlds

buttons cloned in a "pressed" state no longer remain pressed forever

a warning now appears instructing not to close the game when exporting a world

rhe power output of redstone comparators is no longer lost after a world is converted from xbox one edition

pick block no longer replaces the item currently selected in the hotbar if other slots are empty

fixes for bugs introduced during beta:

Increased stability and fixed several crashes

abandoned mineshafts no longer generate above ground

fixed improper mushroom block obtained from giant red mushrooms when using pick block

tools now work properly and no longer shake in-hand

sticky pistons no longer turn into regular pistons after being renamed

tripwire hooks once again appear in jungle temples

players can once again stand on top of ladders

mob heads can no longer be duplicated by placing them in water

strongholds once again generate with mossy stone brick and cracked stone brick

the maximum render distance on xbox one x is once again 22 chunks

more than one line of text can once again be placed on signs

the b button no longer has to be pressed twice on the controller to deselect a skin in the skin picker

how do i join the beta?

to join the beta on android, go to the minecraft game and scroll down until you see *beta tester*. Click on it then a few minutes later you should get an update. To leave the beta program, go to the same place where you enrolled but click unroll then uninstall minecraft. Wait a few minutes then reinstall.

To join the beta on xbox one or windows 10, go to the xbox insider hub, insider content, minecraft, then join the beta! After a few minutes, you should get an update. To leave the beta, go to the same place you went to enroll but this time, click manage and unroll. Then uninstall minecraft, wait a few minutes then reinstall the game.

omg omg omg omg omg yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes omg yayayayayyaayyayayayayaya

Posted : 15/03/2018 1:44 pm