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Minecraft Bedrock Update Aquatic: What features started where + new sounds

Honorable Member

Minecraft Bedrock Update Aquatic: What Features Started Where + New Sounds.

So the Update Aquatic Beta for Bedrock released today and with it brought a lot of new items such as tridents, stripped logs new slabs and stairs and much more!
But it was announced a while ago that Java and Bedrock would be working on these updates side by side which would mean that Java would work on some features and Bedrock would work on some. Well, a few days ago, Tanner confirmed a few features which were developed on Bedrock first.

Here, he confirms that shipwrecks and stripped logs started development on Bedrock first. While he didnt list all the features which started on Bedrock these are still good features, considering what the Bedrock team have been working on.

Here, Lisa confirms that she was the one who did he shipwrecks on Bedrock. And the award for best shipwreck goes to Lisa!

Keeping with the Update Aquatic news, samuweeed out ALL the new sounds in the Update Aquatic. Be sure to have a listen!

[video=youtube_share;vzI4Eqhm9yw] [/video]

Topic starter Posted : 15/03/2018 5:07 pm