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Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock: Beta Build is Out Now
Another day, another beta build. This beta build is mainly bug fixes but there are a few optimisation corrections inside. Looks like the devs are head down bug fixing. Check out the changelog!
- Fixed several crashes that occurred during gameplay
- Fixed a crash that could happen when attempting to make a marketplace purchase
- Fixed a bug where template text colours could interfere with other UI messages
- Fixed the bug that caused items to show the wrong texture after loading a new texture pack (MCPE-38302)
- Fixed an instance where a world save could become corrupt and disappear from the world list
- Improved performance on some devices with less available memory
- Fixed tamed cats having disconnected limbs whilst sitting (MCPE-38292)
- Empty monster spawners no longer show fire particles
- Fixed a crash that occurred when exporting with the structure block
- Improved the marketplace search results when using filters
- Added missing undyed shulker box recipe
- Ocelots' legs no longer levitate when sneaking
- Sheep now move their heads correctly when looking at the player (MCPE-38184)
- Pandas more quickly return to their normal behaviour after following a player holding bamboo
- Fixed some missing marketplace pack icons
- The command to set scoreboard objectives names is now recognised
- Adjusted the climbing speed slightly so players no longer experience a flashing screen when climbing scaffolding
- Fixed several related graphical issues that could occur when resuming the game
- Optimised marketplace images for certain devices
- Only players with Operator permissions can adjust /gamerules now
- Fixed witch texture in Elf Islands Heroes World pack
- Fixed the Husk model in Candyworld marketplace map
- Fixed the position of bows held by mobs in the Papercraft Adventure marketplace map
- Replaced the missing Mooshroom legs in the Adventurer's Dreams marketplace map
- Fixed the geometry for Ocelots that have custom models
- Saddles are no longer invisible in the Adventurer's Dreams marketplace map
- Fixed the rotation of the Llama's legs in various marketplace maps
- Fixed the head size and position of the Banshee Nightmares in A Nightmare in Candyworld marketplace map
- Mobs now sit at the correct height when riding other mobs in the Stranded in Space marketplace map
- Fixed models in the CampCraft marketplace world template
- Evoker no longer has disjointed arms in the Jurassic Depths world
Topic starter Posted : 01/11/2018 3:33 pm