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Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock: Barrier Blocks Confirmed!-Coming Very Soon

Honorable Member

Minecraft Pocket Edition/Bedrock: Barrier Blocks Confirmed-Coming Very Soon

With barrier blocks being a highly requested feature for Minecraft Bedrock, the developers decided to inform the community during a livestream recently that they are infact coming soon (NOT 1.5) likely for the 1.6 release.

Today, Gartzke and Jess confirmed that Bedrock IS getting Barrier Blocks VERY VERY soon. Not in 1.5 but Gartzke can play with them in the office.


Release Period:

Barriers cannot be broken in vanilla survival mode.

Barriers are not listed in the creative inventory (similarly to command blocks and structure blocks) and can only be obtained using commands, such as /give minecraft:barrier.

Barriers are transparent to light and do not block a Beacon. Fences, Iron Bars, Glass Panes and similar blocks will not visually connect with barriers. Barriers interact with blocks and mobs as a solid block. All dependent blocks can be placed on a barrier, such as torches or redstone, and it will suffocate mobs. Mobs cannot spawn on barriers.

In creative mode, if a player is holding a barrier block in their hand, all placed barrier blocks display the barrier icon as a particle. This effect is client-side, and if a player holds a barrier block in survival, the particle won't display. Barrier blocks will not be shown if the particle setting is set to "minimal". Barriers cannot be pushed by pistons.

Topic starter Posted : 13/06/2018 2:05 pm
Eminent Member

I'm happy they're finally adding them, I hope it'll be in 1.6, I guess not.

Posted : 13/06/2018 3:52 pm
Estimable Member

There already is invisible Bedrock in the game.

Posted : 13/06/2018 5:42 pm
Active Member

Finally, RobCat gets his highly requested feature. Today is a good day to be a Minecraft fan.

Posted : 13/06/2018 8:36 pm
New Member

There already is invisible Bedrock in the game.

Yes, that is entirely true, but, it is tricky to obtain with glitches.

Posted : 15/06/2018 3:34 pm