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NEW! Minecraft 1.3 Update Aquatic OUT NOW

New Member

Hey all,

As we are well aware, Minecraft Java has been getting a lot of Update Aquatic Snapshots lately. The Mojang devs for the Java version are currently at a gaming event or will be going to one, depending on when you are reading this. This has meant that Minecraft PE or BEDROCK has time to catch up to the Java however they are called 'Experimental Features' rather than 'Betas'.
*Remember that Betas are unstable and could break your worlds - Always back up your worlds before entering betas!*

Last night, March 15th, 1.2.13 Beta was released allowing players to try out some of the features from the Update Aquatic. Some of the features that were included are:

  • NEW Swimming Animation. The swimming animation has been updated from just running through the water, which is unrealistic, to actual swimming. I think this was a really good change and it makes being in water more realistic
  • NEW Weapon and Achievements. The Trident is a NEW weapon in Minecraft. A trident is a three-pronged spear. It has also come with a couple of enchantments, one of which can be supercharge creepers and can be blown up to get mob heads such as Creeper, Zombie and Skeleton. Another enchantment can bring the trident back to you when it hits a wall - similar to a boomerang and another enchantment makes the trident more deadly to undead mobs. (Channeling, Loyalty, Riptide and Impailing are the enchantments).
  • NEW Mob. Another zombie like mob has been added to make the underwater more dangerous! It is called a drowned ie a drowned zombie.
  • NEW Wood Block. A new wood variant has been added Stripped Wood . It can be made by tapping on any wood log.
  • NEW Slabs. The final feature, to what I can tell, is new slabs! Prismarine, Dark Prismarine and Prismarine Bricks have gotten their blocks halved into slabs.

  • As I mentioned, they are all the NEW Update Aquatic Features that I could find. If I have missed any, be sure to let me know.
    Thanks for reading.
    - Jackaboy

    Topic starter Posted : 16/03/2018 7:09 am
    Active Member

    It's been a solid beta so far in terms of features. I want the rest now lol

    Posted : 16/03/2018 10:43 pm