A Minecraft Java Edition snapshot
Every day is a snapshot day if you try hard enough. We're travelling to GDC soon so we're going to try to push out as many snapshots this week as we can.
Added buried treasure
Added tropical fish
Added underwater ambience sounds
Added ability to put markers on maps
Added coral plants
Changed phantom model and texture
Changes to phantom behaviour
Changed coral texture
Underwater visibility now changes per biome
We found this cool stuff! Let's hide it.
Can be found... somewhere?
Maps found in Underwater Ruins can lead you to them
Will contain a very cool treasure... which isn't added yet
We found nemo! And all his friends!
They come in many colours!
They come in many patterns!
Like other fish, you can catch them up in a bucket
You can find them in warm and lukewarm oceans
You are here. Or there. I'm not sure, it's somewhere here.
Right click on a banner with a map to add it to the map
Right click on the same banner again to remove it
That map will show the colour of the banner at that spot
Named banners will show their name on the map too
If a banner is destroyed, it'll disappear when you get close and are holding the map
"Less derpy" - Jeb
Now despawn during the day
No longer spawn in The End
They have a new model! And texture! Pretty neat.
Here is the original link posted by Minecraft.net https://minecraft.net/en-us/article/minecraft-snapshot-18w10a