welcome to my realm this is a survival series please join it if you want to join just friend me
please no griefing and stealing piec
my gamertag is HJaber888
My gamer tag is daniels000001. I’m an okay builder but I consider myself very talented at redstone. I will not grief anyone
if you let me join. Anyways I’d love it if you invited me to your realm.
P.S. how do I join?
My Xbox gt is XxK1113R1UKExX
Can I join my user name is VanillaWolfLk
My gametag is mmm7761
My gamertag is NeitherCube4721
welcome to my realm this is a survival series please join it if you want to join just friend me
please no griefing and stealing piece
Hey can u add me GT:thetrueelmar28
welcome to my realm this is a survival series please join it if you want to join just friend me
please no griefing and stealing piec
Hey could you add me my GT is Purplepaw80051
Could you add me my gamer tag is Bolduc55
I am good at Redstone and survival and building and many thing plz invite me my gamer Tag is ABHISHEK890 plz write in capital letters only
i don’t really need to join, gamertag: Keyyard8888
welcome to my realm this is a survival series please join it if you want to join just friend me
please no griefing and stealing piec
Hello!!! I would like to join, ign: nikoskon20031 (i also have a discord account so i can join the realm chat, if it exist)
welcome to my realm this is a survival series please join it if you want to join just friend me
please no griefing and stealing piec
I would love to join the realm. My gamertag is SuperMagic4 and I am very talented at commands. I am really good with redstone so since it is a survival realm I could do some complex redstone designs and I am a good builder/decorator as well. So I think I could be a good addition to the realm. I also added you as a friend. Thanks!
I would like to join the Survival Realm! My gamertag is ShadowGamer2314.