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MCPE/Bedrock Jungle Mixed with a Roofed Forest with a Stronghold Nearby! (Seed)

Illustrious Member Admin

Jungle Mixed with a Roofed Forest with a Stronghold Nearby! (Seed)



This seed spawns you inside of a Jungle that is mixed with a roofed forest.  These two biomes mixing together like this is rare…along with that, there is a desert and savanna nearby!



Welcome to your new world, it’s a rough one to start off in, but the rewards are plentiful!

Now if you keep walking, to around the coordinates: -367, 68, -357 you will find a splendid village, with the life of villagers.

But, if you really feel like traveling, into the dark and crooked paths, you may want to go to: -1238, 76, 45…that leads to an abandoned desert village,

with a stronghold hidden underneath!

creator: SilverSpace


Description edit to have more information about the seed!

New photos!

Seed ID


Topic starter Posted : 25/01/2021 3:20 pm