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MCPE/Bedrock One World 10 Seeds

Illustrious Member Admin

One World 10 Seeds


Hey do you love Minecraft survival challenges? Or perhaps you just want to play something a little different and have a cursed adventure? Well then this is the map for you!

One world 10 seeds is a unique map made by Stex Digital that used Minecraft editing applications to combine 10 seeds into one world. Each seed is a ring around the previous one and is 2 chunks thick. Except the 1st one which is 3×3 chunks and the last one which generates infinitely just like a normal world.


Download the world right now and admire it’s cursed lands


Explore broken structures


Cross big mountains


Swim in the most broken of waters


Find floating blocks


Adventure in the unknown


Find the staircase to heaven?!


Take advantage of the crazy world generation


Defeat the dragon


And just before you go here’s the map of the world (the last seed will generate infinitely)


Achievements ARE enabled in this world


You are allowed to: make a video share it with friends but you HAVE TO provide a link in the description to THIS Mcbedrock post and give proper credit


You are NOT allowed to: make your own ad link, give the direct download link, take credit for this creation, repost to other websites apps etc without my permission 

Get in touch if needed


Made by @ThunderMouseMc (Twitter)


Added a direct dowload link for administrator for file verification




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Topic starter Posted : 01/08/2020 10:35 am