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MCPE/Bedrock Village And Witch Hut Near Spawn, Ruined Portal in Village (Beta Only)

Illustrious Member Admin

Village And Witch Hut Near Spawn, Ruined Portal in Village (Beta Only)

In this seed you will have a chance to see a ruined portal in the village. Ruined portal is the new feature in minecraft update. This makes your game more and more fun.

This is where you are spawned

Keep going straight ahead and you will find a village which has ruined portal spawn inside.

Here you go

At your spawnpoint, if you turn left and go straight, you’ll find a witch hut

At this witch hut, if you turn back, there is an another village from the far

Hey this seed is for the new update Don’t use this seed on older versions.

founder: Degu

Seed ID


Topic starter Posted : 22/04/2020 6:36 pm