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MCPE/Bedrock Village, Pyramid, Badland Savannah, Mesa, and Flat Lands Nearby!

Illustrious Member Admin

Village, Pyramid, Badland Savannah, Mesa, and Flat Lands Nearby!


Are you a type of Minecraft player who loves to build? Or you just want a flat land for your survival world? Well, this seed is absolutely perfect for you! 

This is where you spawn. Just infront of you there is a village. Don’t place hope too high though, there is no blacksmith in this village. 

You guys may asking “What is special in this seed? I don’t see anything special here.”

Okay, so the specialty of this seed is stored in three ways. 

First, if you go to right from the village, you will notice a Pyramid in the distance. That’s actually a good feature, especially if you want an instant loot. 

Second, if you turn left from the village, you will see a Badlands Savannah Biome. Not too special, but it’s kinda rare for me. 

But, most importantly, if you travel further, you wil notice a Mesa Biome! This Biome is very useful if you want to make something out of terracota in your survival world! 

Third,  if you walk diagonally from the village, you will find sufficient amount of flat lands. This is very great type of place for building! I actually build my house in this place, and to be honest, the land here is very big if you want a big building!

And that is it! A good village for you those want to build, and a bonus which is the pyramid if you want an instant loot. Have a good survival! 

creator: Ironcraft

Seed ID


Topic starter Posted : 20/05/2020 8:38 pm