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MCPE/Bedrock Avatar Skin Pack!

Illustrious Member Admin

Avatar Skin Pack!


This is a Minecraft skin pack for the show Avatar! This is one of my favorite shows! I hope you enjoy it! I have Two Aangs one normal one avatar state! I have Katara, Sokka, Zucko, Topf, 2 different Uncles, and Azula! Enjoy!


This is my Minecraft Avatar Skin Pack! I hope you like the Skin Pack! It’s from the best show in the world Avatar! We have all the main characters in the show! In the future, I hope to have more. I also need to fix Zuko and I mainly wanna add the Cabbage Guy!  I hope you enjoy it! I have Two Aangs one normal one avatar state! I have Katara, Sokka, Zucko, Topf, 2 different Uncles, and Azula!

In this pack it has Aang; Who is the last Airbender Alive. He also is the avatar. There are two different Aangs, one where it is him normally and another where he’s in the avatar state. The avatar state is when he is most powerful, but if he dies while in the avatar state, there are no more avatars. 
There is the brother and sister duo, of Sokka, and Katara. These two are both from the southern water tribe. Their dad is the leader of the tribe, but he and all the men from their tribe are out fighting in the war against the Fire Nation. Katara is a water bender and Sokka he.. well.. he has a boomerang.
Toph. is one of the best earth benders on the planet. She is also blind and see’s with her feet. She is the tough one in the group.
Then there is Zuko. Zuko is the fire lords son, who is on a mission to kill the Avatar. 
Along with Zuko is his Uncle. His Uncle has two different Uncles. One where he’s in the fire nation, and when where he is in the White Lotus. 
Finally its Azula. Azula is Zuko’s crazy sister, that gets everything she wants. 

I hope you enjoy the pack! If you have any suggestions comment on this post. You should be able to just download it. No Ad Fly or any of that fake download stuff. If you do want to support me, I linked my youtube channel down below. If you also need help with anything and I’m not getting back to you on here. My twitter is @lolreflexx. Thanks!



1. Changed Featured Photo

2. Added a photo of Katara

3. Added a photo of Aang

4. Added a photo of Toph



Just download! No Adfly, No LinkVertise, Keep Safe! I don't need money! But to support me please subscribe at  🙂

Works for all platforms!



Topic starter Posted : 20/08/2020 12:44 pm