Classier Blocks Skin Pack
After messing around in Gimp 2.0 for a while, I decided to bring my unpublished “Classy Blocks Skin Pack” to the max! I created unique colors for each of the ties, took off the gloves, and added a whole new skin: “Classier Quartz Block”! I worked pretty hard on this pack so please make sure to share it with your homies and swarm the Ender Dragon as a gang of Block men!
These skins were made using direct manipulation of the block textures in Minecraft version 1.16. Also, I forgot to mention, the “Classier Coal Block” skin does not include a tie. I decided to switch it up and take his tie off. This pack includes the following skins (In reverse alphabetical order):
“Classier Redstone Block” (My favorite!):
“Classier Quartz Block” (My most recent!):
“Classier Netherite Block”:
“Classier Lapis Lazuli Block”:
“Classier Iron Block”:
“Classier Gold Block”:
“Classier Gilded Blackstone”:
“Classier Emerald Block”:
“Classier Diamond Block”:
“Classier Crying Obsidian”:
“Classier Conduit”:
“Classier Coal Block”:
“Classier Beacon”:
Featured image now includes my favorite skin: Classier Redstone Block!
Download and run the attached file. It should be called "classierBlocks.mcpack".
creator: DannyMath