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MCPE/Bedrock Classier Blocks Skin Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Classier Blocks Skin Pack


After messing around in Gimp 2.0 for a while, I decided to bring my unpublished “Classy Blocks Skin Pack” to the max! I created unique colors for each of the ties, took off the gloves, and added a whole new skin: “Classier Quartz Block”! I worked pretty hard on this pack so please make sure to share it with your homies and swarm the Ender Dragon as a gang of Block men!



hese skins were made using direct manipulation of the block textures in Minecraft version 1.16. Also, I forgot to mention, the “Classier Coal Block” skin does not include a tie. I decided to switch it up and take his tie off. This pack includes the following skins (In reverse alphabetical order):

“Classier Redstone Block” (My favorite!):

“Classier Quartz Block” (My most recent!):

“Classier Netherite Block”:

“Classier Lapis Lazuli Block”:


“Classier Iron Block”:

“Classier Gold Block”:

“Classier Gilded Blackstone”:


“Classier Emerald Block”:

“Classier Diamond Block”:

“Classier Crying Obsidian”:

“Classier Conduit”:


“Classier Coal Block”:

“Classier Beacon”:

creator: DannyMath


Changed hand textures to look less stripy and more blocky. Started bothering me because the hand is always there to look at.




Download and run the attached file. It should be called "classierBlocks.mcpack".



Topic starter Posted : 03/02/2021 12:56 pm