Death Note Skinpack [10 Skins] [New]
Ready to write some names in the death note? With these skins you can do it! Dominate the world with Light, or investigate with Elle, or become a Shinigami like Ryuk, the book is yours! The skinpack is inspired by the anime Death Note, my favorite anime.

"Death Note SkinPack" is inspired by the manga and anime Death Note . This skin pack is available for all versions of Minecraft Bedrock Edition and is easily downloadable on PC, Mobile and Xbox. Share and comment down below if you want me to add more skins and/or make new skin packs.

creator: FantasticJoe
I changed the featured image and the image in main description.
You can install the .mcpack and .zip files of the skin pack from the Download Links down below.
The .mcpack will import the skin pack to Minecraft Bedrock Edition automatically. The .ZIP needs to get extracted in your skin_packs folder.