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MCPE/Bedrock Disciples of The Void: Worshippers Skin Pack - Volume I

Illustrious Member Admin

Disciples of The Void: Worshippers Skin Pack - Volume I

While my "Disciples of the Void" is my most popular addon, Let's explore alternate timelines and events going on while they rampage across the overworld. This is the first volume that shows off the people who think of the Disciples as gods.

Feel free to subscribe and come along for the journey. If you like this, you'll LOVE what's coming up!. 😉


This skin pack is a "spin off" of my addon Disciples of The Void. (Volume I)

Each skin offers a masked and unmasked form.


Daniel is the “leader” of the disciples cult. His obsession with Deathblade is immeasurable. Worshipping this beast day and night, constantly feeding himself with rage to match the energy of the angry skeleton. Daniel’s goal is to spread Deathblade’s mayhem and rage across the overworld.


Katlyn is the most troublesome of the group. Much like Alatar. She causes havoc in her group and the environment with advanced redstone machinery which to the inexperienced, looks like straight up magic. She strives to match the chaos given off by the mythical villager. She is the leader of her own cult, which she has given her members the name Alatines. Katlyn’s goal is to spread the gospel of Alatar’s legacy through her group and her cult.


Gene is the kind, and level headed member of the group. While he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed, he makes up for it In his skills in preserving life. He is inspired by the story of Brawlatar, a being who constantly puts himself back together no matter what he goes through. His goal is to bring back Brawlatar, and return the nether back to its glory days.


Ezra is the maniacal, yet strategic member of the group. They’re obsessed with end history and is constantly gaining new information to use at their disposal. They are often the brain of the group, always making the next step towards the groups next breakthrough. His ultimate goal is to find out Eribus’s true purpose in the end.

 “Eribus is regarded as such a powerful being in the end. Yet there’s barely anything about him in the books”


I mean... It's a skin pack


Topic starter Posted : 15/05/2022 3:59 pm