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Flat Skins Skin Pack: POKEMONS Edition
Have you ever been annoyed by how 3D all of the Minecraft skins are? Bet you weren't, but now you will! Welcome the brand new fighter - POKEMONS EDITION SKINPACK!!!!

Are you satisfied, is you soul pleased, perhaps?
Back to the skinpack. There are 4 (kinda) skins available:

- Pikachu
- Charmander
- Squirtle
- Bulbasaur (ugh I haven't come up with a way to put him into a minecraft skin yet so for now he's just green squirtle XD)


Oh and they're double-sided, of course:

Check out my Twitter or other flat skins skinpacks 😀 :
Topic starter Posted : 16/01/2022 1:14 pm