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Guys with Scary Masks [Skin Pack]
This skin pack adds skins for five disguised people
- Skeleton
- Clown
- Demon
- Boxhead
- Ghost
The peculiarity of these skins is that they have unknown gender, skin color, eyes, hair, since they are hidden behind masks, gloves and other clothes! Because of this, you can imagine yourself underneath it all! (There is a Slim version of skins)
Here are all the skins with pictures! I hope you will like it!
C l o w n
S k e l e t o n
D e m o n
B o x h e a d
G h o s t
This how it looks in skin pack,
Slim version
If you have any ideas for such skins, write to me on twitter.
Updated Featured Image
Added 2 new skins: Boxhead, Ghost
Slim version
Topic starter Posted : 19/01/2021 10:41 am