M4ster Chief380 Skin Pack
This is a Minecraft skin pack for the my friend M4ster Chief380. I hope you enjoy it! it This skin pack has 14 skins for now they are all currently 64×64 and we will continue to update it in the future and the skin sizes may also include 128×128.
The first skin is the original Master Chief skin then the second is a custom on i made for my friend (the one he uses all the time) which is Master Chief in a suit.For the next skin it is Master Chief with muscles and after that we have Master Chief as a god then we have Master Chief with a Santa hat for Christmas. The next one has a turtle shell on him and the next one is Master Chief with a Steve face. After that we have Master Chief as Mario and Luigi also we have a Master Chief Noob skin and then some female version of Master Chief we will update this pack in the future if you have any suggestions comment down below i hope you enjoy.
M4ster Chief380:
Tuxsito Chief380:
Muscle Chief380:
Godly Chief380:
Santa Chief380:
Turtle Chief380:
Steve Chief380:
Mario Chief380:
Luigi Chief380:
Noob Chief380:
Bikini Chief380:
Female Chief380 1:
Female Chief380 2:
Female Chief380 3:
My Youtube:
M4ster Chief380 Youtube:
Edited the information on the post.
MCPack File:
Download The file
After You Downloaded it, Open Your Downloaded File
And It Should Automatically Installed On your Minecraft Maps
ZIP File :
Download The File
Find The File You Have Been Downloaded
Extract The File With Some File Manager Apps
Copy/Move The Extracted File To games\com.mojang\skin packs
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCccohTqiltnIipdnmYRHrfA/?disable_polymer=true