Marvel's CharmX Multiversal Wars
This is a collaboration between me and my friend who calls himself SkribbleMcGribble. He came up with the idea to make a Marvel based skin pack using my main Minecraft skin. These skins aren't only based off the MCU, but also the comics. Hopefully soon myself and SkribbleMcGribble will make more skin packs.

Iron Man was designed as two separate skins. An opened mask and with no mask. There are other skins that were designed as two separate skins. Those skins are Spiderman, Deadpool, Captain America, Moon Knight and Black Panther.

Here's a full list of the skins available in this skin pack

Hopefully another Marvel skin pack will be available someday. We do have ideas for more skins and SkribbleMcGribble came up with two titles, Multiversal Wars 2 and Enter The Charmverse.
~Masked and Unmasked Skins Added
~26 Different Skins Available To Use
~Variety Between The MCU And The Comics Heroes And Villains
Download the file
In your download file, double click the .mcpack (It should be titled Marvels_CharmX_Multiversal_Wars.mcpack unless you renamed it)
The file should install automatically into Minecraft