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MCPE/Bedrock MCos : Rounded Skin [ Exit Update ]

Illustrious Member Admin

MCos : Rounded Skin [ Exit Update ]

Did you ever feel that your eye's tired with that sharp edged cuboid element skins? Well its too long obviously but i have someΒ AlternativeΒ for you! Surely Mojang doesn't like this [That's why custom geometry skins is banned πŸ™Β ]. Oh no... anyway, do you wanted to know about this pack?Β Even Curious George curious about this pack.. Lets goΒ scroll down!


A little bit of Introduction... This pack is a part of MCos Project that focusing on adding Cosmetic/Costume to Minecraft Bedrock as resource-pack build. Like its name, MCos stands for Minecraft Cosmetic/Costume that can applied to what ever you like! Anyway, more MCos surely will soon be released! :3


How can i say this.. [...] That's how i can describe it for the whole thing. As this pack promised, the skins have "SMOOTH Edges" for safe to say. Well ok, its have Rounded Edges.. better? Look at those rounded thing, just ignore the background please...ARound is a variant that dedicated to Alex-skin model.


Its Undeniably CURSED... look at that fat-ache hands.. again dont compare it to the background, its not even related to this. Ack! this rounded thing consist of huge amount of poly-element. Im really sure you doesnt want to know about it. Yes, its SRound so its must be stands for Steve Round. Same for the rest..


MY EYES! My Eyes! You will never found this anywhere on the game! Look at those perfectly bΜΆaΜΆlΜΆlΜΆsΜΆ shaped. The head squished to beyond comprehension to achieve those curve. Its really have high-curved resolution. I might going to make the low version one soon enough. Yes this is also a steve-circled variant...


The Judgement Day of Minecraft has come.. Introducing.. the new Alex-Sphered variant! Look at the hand...the head...the legs... All been snap-peared. Altough the body looks like a standing stick but no worries. He she still Alex! Wait...


Since many of you guys asking if this works on Any Custom skins.. Well, i got your back now! Using some script exploit.. Now you can apply this geometry into any custom-skin! Even any Marketplace Skin-pack! Awesome right?? Sadly, this script only works on Minecraft Windows 10 Edition.. Yep, you got heard that right! This is some exploit using Command Prompt / Bat script and probably only works on Windows but dont be sad.. Android users can also have work-around to achieve the same thing using APK Editor. You can see for more details inside Minecraft Exploit video down below..

Aight, the first thing you need to do is to launch the script using Administrator, so it can have access to your Minecraft Installation folder, especially if you have Minecraft Installed Directly from Microsoft Store. Anyway, there will be some option. the first option is Default installation, use this only if you have Minecraft Installed from the store and for the custom installation one, its only for users that have Minecraft Installed by 3rd-party launcher such as MCLauncher or MCBE-Switcher. The second option requires you to input manually the installation folder of your Minecraft.Β 

Still confused with the explanation? Well you can also watch this video tutorial regarding 'how the script works' +including tutorial for Android users! Now just crack-back, relax and just follow the instruction :3. Oh yeah i forgot one thing, for Android users.. you can use the exploit way or just simply change the skin manually like in the FAQ section.

Dont Worry, this pack is client sided.. So just only you that can see it. Now that’s a lot of work! Thanks for the feedback you gave on the comment section!

If you have any kind of bugs or suggesstion, leave it below! You can also join my Discord server and leave your suggestion there for faster notice :3

.>>> Discord Gang (


  • -
  • Q : Why the the Skin doesnt load when i switch types?
    A : Alright, when you encounter this problemo…. make sure you already switch variant types and then just re-open minecraft or alternative way is that to remove the resource pack first from the resource pack section (I mean not to delete it) and apply the resource pack again with other hair types already selected and *BOOM*
  • -
  • Q : Is the Link safe?
    A : Off course! even the content is safe from any viruses or malware! If you are using Anti-viruses, sometime its marked as "Virus" because the software detects that you are downloading the content from untrusted link (trusted link : Play Store) just ignore that or just disable Anti-Virus while you downloading.
  • -
  • Q : How to switch to other variant?
    A : EZ PZ, just use the Resource Pack Slider as you can see below! :
  • -
  • Q: How can i change the skin?
  • A : Unfortunately, you need to do it Manually. Just Extract the '.mcpack' using Rar, Zip, 7z and then find the texture folder (Exist in every variant / subpacks). Then just change it with your skin with the same name. Still Confused? Well here's the video :



  • Q : I have problems with links, can you change it?
  • A : Im really sorry if there's any problem you faced with while downloading. Unfortunately, i had to use Linkvertise because it has custom link that allow me to keep track any direct-link from every releases. Basicly, to keep it piped with one link. Well, you can tell me what the problem is, and probably i can provide some guide or probably i will update the link in future releases.
  • Β 



Exit [Exploit] Update :

  • Added New Exploit ways for Custom Skin
  • Added New Tutorial Video explaining how the script works and also some work-around for Android users.
  • Added New Preview for the exploit method
  • Change the link domain because of some browser detect-it as virus. If this still happen, i recommend to turn of your Browser Protection and also your Anti-Virus software (Including Windows Defender)


  • 1. Open the link variant as you wish
  • 2. If the captcha pop's out of nowhere, You're screwed...
  • 3. Wait the 10 secs countdown until its finish
  • 4. Click on "Free Access with Ads" if you doesnt have linkvertise premium, otherwise just the premium instead for faster access
  • 5. Now click on "Discover Interesting Articles", just open random articles and close it. after that, click on "X" button and wait for another 6 secs countdown
  • 6. Click on "Continue" button and it'll automaticly route you to the Mediafire Page
  • 7. Now just download the contentΒ  and Have Fun! πŸ˜€
Topic starter Posted : 24/03/2021 3:43 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 09/05/2021 3:47 pm