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Medieval Skin Pack
Package of medieval style skins. For now she only has five skins: Knight, Sorceress, Necromancer, Priestess, Elf. Depending on the reception that this package has, I plan to add more (More classes such as: bandits, peasants, kings, admirals, etc., and even variations of the skins I already made)

- Knight

- Elf

- Sorceress

- Necromancer

- Priestess

- Assassin

- Montaraz

- Corrupt sorceress

Three new skins have been added: Montaraz, Corrupt Sorceress and Assassin
The file is a .mcpack file
For those who are the first time installing a skin pack, all you have to do is:
1.-Go to the download button
2.-Pass the shorteners
4.-Click on the file and open it with Minecraft
creator: OmeGa172B
Topic starter Posted : 13/01/2022 10:45 am