Minecraft 1.18 Mobs Skin Pack
At some point during a MINECRAFT game, haven't you seen an axolotl and wanted to become one? Or on the other hand, do you think you would intimidate your enemies by seeing yourself as The Warden? Well then this mob skin pack is for you.
This skin pack collects skins of all the existing mobs in the version of MINECRAFT 1.18 and some extras that are too cool not to include them.
Keep in mind that the skin pack does not include all the variants of the mobs but the main version and in some cases the most prominent variants. As an example of this is the sheep, which only appears with its colors white (the common one), black and gray.
With this skin pack you can become practically any mob that currently exists in MINECRAFT 1.18 since it includes 108 different skins from which you can enjoy choosing. Don't tell me it's no fun dressing up as a villager and playing at village chores.

However, this skin pack is not satisfied with only the mobs that already exist in the game per se, but also presents other mobs that are also part of the lore of the MINECRAFT franchise but are not currently present in the coding of the classic game. Among these mobs we can find some belonging to the game "MINECRAFT DUNGEONS" or to certain urban legends created by the community (such as Herobrine). You will also be able to find mobs that the community has asked to be included in the game or that have been presented in the "MINECON" but that unfortunately have not yet added to this day.
List of skins included in the package (peaceful, neutral, hostile and extras):
- Axolot
- Bat
- Black Cat
- White Cat
- Orange Cat
- Chicken
- Cow
- Donkey
- Fox
- Glow Squid
- Brown Horse
- Gray Horse
- Mooshroom Cow
- Ocelot
- Red Parrot
- Blue Parrot
- Pig
- Polar Bear
- Pufferfish
- Rabbit
- Salmon
- Sheep
- Skeleton Horse
- Snowgolem
- Squid
- Strider
- Tropical Fish
- Turtle
- Villager 1
- Villager 2
- Villager 3
- Wandering Trader
- White Fox
- Black Sheep
- Gray Sheep
- Domesticated Wolf
- Bee
- Cave Spider
- Dolphin
- Enderman
- Goat
- Irongolem
- Llama (Ver.1)
- Llama (Ver.2)
- Piglin
- Panda
- Spider
- Wild Wolf
- Zombified Piglin
- Blaze
- Chicken Jockey
- Creeper
- Drowned
- Elder Guardian
- Endermite
- Evoker
- Ghast
- Guardian
- Hoglin
- Husk
- Magma Cube
- Phantom
- Piglin Brute
- Pillager
- Ravager
- Shulker
- Silverfish
- Skeleton
- Slime
- Spider Jockey
- Silverfish (Front)
- Stray
- Vex
- Vindicator
- Witch
- Wither Skeleton
- Zoglin
- Zombie
- Zombie Villager
- Zombie Horse
- Enderdragon
- The Wither
- Zombie Vindicator
- Drowned Villager
- Geomancer
- Old Pillager
- Barako The Sun Chief (Mowzie´s Mobs Mod)
- Mooblom Cow
- Iceologer
- Zombie Pigman
- Drowned Captain
- Christmas Zombie
- Redstone Golem
- Copper Golem
- Copper Golem (Deteriorated)
- Enchanter
- Drowned Pillager
- Illusioner (Minecraft Dungeons)
- Forzen Zombie
- Chest Head Zombie
- The Warden
- Illusioner
- Zombie Alex
- Mummy
- Multi-Undead Mobs
- Herobrine
- Entity 303
- Notch
Below is a video with the complete Review of the skin pack:
After accessing either of the two links and downloading the file:
On mobile devices:
Using any file explorer locate the "Download" folder.

Then, access the folder and find the file you just downloaded (it must be one with the name "MINECRAFT 1.18 MOBS SKIN PACK.mcpack") Finally select the file and it will be imported automatically into the game.
In case it doesn't work:
Long-press on the file and select "more options"

After that touch where it says "open with" and finally select "MINECRAFT"

For PC users:
Enter your computer's default file explorer. Then go to the "Download" folder and double click on the file you just downloaded ("MINECRAFT 1.18 MOBS SKIN PACK.mcpack) and the import to the game will start automatically.
creator: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCG0MzwWDHG5uLJoTRvG69Zw