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MCPE/Bedrock Minecraft YouTubers 5.8 [340 New Skins] [Biggest Update Ever]

Illustrious Member Admin

Minecraft YouTubers 5.8 [340 New Skins] [Biggest Update Ever]


Minecraft YouTubers is a skin pack with a name that speaks for itself. If you ever wanted to fake being a YouTuber (or just want their skin), this is what you are looking for. Obviously, this doesn't have all YouTubers, so I gladly accept requests. You can be in this skin pack too!

Skin Count: 4100


And those are the skins! This skin pack has skins ranging from famous/popular YouTubers, Twitch Streamers, VTubers, not really known YouTubers, and many more!

If some YouTubers are missing, please comment on their name down below. I check comments every day, and the skins that you request will be available in the next update!

You can also request people that have played Minecraft just once on their channel!


As I wrote earlier, you can be added to the skin pack too! The only requirements are a Minecraft Java Edition account from which I can download your skin, or you must upload your skin. Oh, you also need to be a YouTuber, if that wasn't obvious.

If you would like to showcase the skin pack in a video or something else, please put the link in the description. Thanks.





1. Click "Download Page ⬇️"

2. Click "Free Access with Ads"

3. Open up "Discover interesting articles", wait from 10 to 15 seconds, and then press the X in the top-right corner. (DO NOT CLICK THE ARTICLES)

4. Click "Continue". This will bring you to my website.

5. Click "Part 1 .MCPACK" and "Part 2 .MCPACK"


6. Follow the same instructions as before.

7. Click "Continue".

8. Download the skin packs from the Mediafire pages.

9. When the download is completed, tap/click on both files you downloaded.

10. Minecraft will open up automatically and it should say "Importing Minecraft YouTubers 5.8 Part 1" and then "Minecraft YouTubers 5.8 Part 2" on the top of the screen. 

11. Wait for the import to complete. Enjoy! 


1. Click "Download Page ⬇️"

2. Click "Free Access with Ads"

3. Open up "Discover interesting articles", wait from 10 to 15 seconds, and then press the X in the top-right corner. (DO NOT CLICK THE ARTICLES)

4. Click "Continue". This will bring you to my website.

5. Click "Part 1 .ZIP" and "Part 2 .ZIP"


6. Follow the same instructions as before.

7. Click "Continue".

8. Download the skin packs from the Mediafire pages.

7. Extract the .zip files in your Minecraft skin packs folder.

8. When you open up Minecraft, both packs will already be there. No importing is needed. Enjoy!



1) Is Linkvertise safe?  

  • Yes, it is. I think that it's actually one of the safest shorteners, since there aren't pop-up ads, and it brings you to the page without notifications.

2) Do I really have to read an article to get to the download?  

  • No, you can just press "Discover interesting articles" and stay there for 15 seconds, then press then the X on the top-right corner.

3) Will you use a direct Mediafire link?  

  • No.

4) Is the skin pack divided into two parts?

  • Yes, it is. Though, downloading it isn't harder. You don't have to unite both parts, just import them separately and it will work. Remember to follow the instructions, which are located on top of this Q&A section.


Topic starter Posted : 23/08/2020 12:23 pm
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 06/07/2022 4:17 pm