Mob Vote 2022 Mobs Skin Pack
Hello there! This skin pack contains skins of the 3 mobs from the last mob vote: The Sniffer, Rascal, and last but not least, the Tuff Golem. I used some of the clothing from the official mob vote skin pack in the marketplace as base, with some edits to be like the mob they represent, with the Sniffer being almost made from scratch. I hope you enjoy these skins!
For those who didn't know about the mobs in the 2022 Mob Vote: The Sniffer is an ancient mob who lays eggs underwater, and can sniff and dig up seeds that no other mob can get. The Rascal is a mob who lives in deep caves, and likes to play Hide and Seek. Find them 3 times, and you get rewarded an item. The Tuff Golem is a statue that sometimes starts to move and picks up items in it's way, but returns to where it was placed before freezing again.
Take a look at the Sniffer, Rascal and Tuff Golem skins i made!

In-Game Screenchots:


Tuff Golem

creator: ReddyGamer12