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Neon Genesis Evangelion Skin Pack
A skin pack that contains all the Pilots and Evas from the original series (Neon Genesis Evangelion + End of Evangelion) and most of the new Evas from the Rebuild tetralogy.
Skin Pack Contains:
- Asuka in her school uniform.
- Asuka in her outfit from 3.33.
- Asuka wearing her Unit 02 plugsuit.
- Asuka wearing the D-Type test plugsuit from 2.22.
- Mari wearing the Unit 08 plugsuit.
- Misato in her normal outfit.
- Kaworu in the Unit 06 plugsuit.
- Kaworu wearing what he wore in NGE.
- Rei in her school uniform.
- Rei in the Unit 00 plugsuit.
- Ayanami Advanced wearing the Unit 09 Plugsuit.
- Ayanami Advanced as a farmer.
- Evangelion Units 00-13.
- Also includes Unit 01 berserked, Unit 09 Wunder forme, and Unit 13 advanced, and Mark 4444C.

creator: Silverlines5312
Topic starter Posted : 21/10/2021 9:56 am