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MCPE/Bedrock Neon Genesis Evangelion Skin Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Neon Genesis Evangelion Skin Pack

A skin pack that contains all the Pilots and Evas from the original series (Neon Genesis Evangelion + End of Evangelion) and most of the new Evas from the Rebuild tetralogy.


Skin Pack Contains:

  1. Asuka in her school uniform.
  2. Asuka in her outfit from 3.33.
  3. Asuka wearing her Unit 02 plugsuit.
  4. Asuka wearing the D-Type test plugsuit from 2.22.
  5. Mari wearing the Unit 08 plugsuit.
  6. Misato in her normal outfit.
  7. Kaworu in the Unit 06 plugsuit.
  8. Kaworu wearing what he wore in NGE.
  9. Rei in her school uniform.
  10. Rei in the Unit 00 plugsuit.
  11. Ayanami Advanced wearing the Unit 09 Plugsuit.
  12. Ayanami Advanced as a farmer.
  13. Evangelion Units 00-13.
  14. Also includes Unit 01 berserked, Unit 09 Wunder forme, and Unit 13 advanced, and Mark 4444C.


creator: Silverlines5312
Topic starter Posted : 21/10/2021 9:56 am