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MCPE/Bedrock Pandemic Madness Skin Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Pandemic Madness Skin Pack

Protect your self, and others will the Pandemic Madness Skin Pack! This skin pack includes four different skins, three hazmat themed skins to decontaminate the scene and one doctor skin to cure the virus! 

Pandemic Madness by Minerealm Studios. Protect your self, and others with the Pandemic Madness Skin Pack! This skin pack includes four unique skins to help clean up viruses, toxic material and more!

Pack made by Twiggy and Whosevermender

Twiggy Youtube

Twiggy Twitter

Minerealm Discord

Minerealm Website

Skins Included:

Plague Doctor 

Heavy Hazmat Suit

White Hazmat Suit

Yellow Hazmat Suit

Yellow Hazmat

White Hazmat

Heavy Hazmat

Plague Doctor 




1. Click on the download button

2. Wait 5 seconds for the ad page to load.

3. Click “Skip Ad” in the top right corner of the page.

4. If it asks you to enable notifications - click deny and wait another 15-25 seconds.

5. You should now have been redirected past the ad.

6. download the .mcpack and import.



Topic starter Posted : 11/05/2020 11:10 am