Steve and Alex Holding SkinPack
Steve and Alex can carry anything, blocks, minerals, food and even other living things. This pack contains various skins of Steve and Alex holding various blocks, whether they are iron, gold, diamond, emerald, red stone and more.
Updated V1.9:
5 skins have been added, including: cherry log, cherry planks, chiseled bookshelf and bamboo blocks.

Updated V1.8:
5 skins have been added, including: redstone lamp on and off, structure block, and commands blocks.

Updated V1.7:
8 skins have been added, including: melon, blast furnace, observer, dispenser, dropper, note block, buckets.

Updated V1.6:
11 skins have been added, including: Pistons, Portal, Prismarine, and Quartz.

Updated V1.5:
14 skins have been added, including barrels, ender chest, deep slate blocks, and more.

Updated V1.4:
16 skins were added, which are blocks of wool of different colors.

Updated V1.3:
9 skins were added, among them: stone bricks, an enchantment table, a bed, and more.

Updated V1.2:
18 skins were added, among them are: different types of wood, mineral blocks, and more.

Updated V1.1:
10 skins were added, 9 belong to Alex and the other is from a skeleton.
A skeleton holding a baby skeleton:

Steve holding a block of dirt:

Herobrine holding MiniHerobrine:

A zombie holding a baby zombie:

Steve cool holding MiniSteve cool:

And more:

Updated V1.9:
5 skins have been added, including: cherry log, cherry planks, chiseled bookshelf and bamboo blocks.
Open and it should import to minecraft automatically.