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MCPE/Bedrock Strategear's Nostalgia Skinpack

Illustrious Member Admin

Strategear's Nostalgia Skinpack

Wanna customize as your favorite characters from popular games and memes? Then this is the pack for you! all of the skins and when I say all I mean ALL skins work on The Hive. Yes, they do not turn into yellow steve. If you wanted to rickroll your friends, or run around as shrek, then this is your ticket to be able to do just that! This has been a long project that I have been working on, and I wanna spread the nostalgia. Hope you guys personally enjoy using this, as much I have enjoyed making it.


Character Archives: 


ie: the creator of the pack, he's just here to make sure all the skins are all good.  

Mannequin Panickin

based off a model of a very old mannequin, make sure you don't close the lights~  

A Coulrophobe's Nightmare-

ah yes the clown that will haunt your dreams, he wields a knife so be careful!  


nothing much to say about him, except CALCIUM  

Fallen Angel-

an old and tattered angel statue that looks pretty creepy, wouldn't wanna see it in a graveyard at night  

Sussus Thumbus-

oh what is that- it looks like a thumb- oh well ill thumb-high-five it then  


an old doll who wants to play with you~ her owner died due to unknown causes, hope you enjoy it!  

Bootiful Lady-

one of my favorite characters from the movie, scary stories to tell in the dark, a fun classic book turned into a movie, ah what a masterpiece  


what are yer doin in mah swamp  


she's just a friendly accountant who works for the mayor, unless she hangs out with doomguy-  


a man who thrives in hell, just like he thrives with isabelle-  


careful- he might swallow you, and become you-  


this guy loves his brother, or does he really?  


always behind his brother, he is always at 2nd place when it comes to everything  


he is the archenemy of mario, even though he looks almost exactly like him-  


ah yes, the man of mischief, and luigi's main rival.  


you back stabber, why did you betry mono, explain!  

Pika Stack-

who can't resist a stack of pikachus, so kawaii!  

Rule 34-

i srsly like this mon but why, why does the internet destroy it's credibility, its just wrong man, oh so wrong  

Purple Guy-

man's about to pull a classic genocide on kids, and stuff em into anthropomorphic suits  

Toy Chica-

as plastic as they come, she'll kill you when she gets the chance to do so  


my buddy my man! I thought you died, very happy that you're alive~  


he'll slap the hell outta you with a ruler when you fail a test, #teaching101  

King Dice-

he's mr king dice, ruler of the land, he knows cards like the back of his hand 

Zombies In Your Lawn-

a stack of zombies- so threatening~  


look at him and you'll meet your demise, as static overflows and you'll only see his face in the end, that empty, white, face-  

Club Penguin-

a legendary game put in the grave, precious memories it gave us all, moment of silence please...  

The Blues-

little blue birds that are really cute, but kinda useless ingame-  


ah yes the classic red, bird's so angry he got red feathers-  


wAnNa HAvE a bAD TOm  

King Round-

king of the board, he'll defeat you in any checkers game because he himself is checkers-  

Lady Dimitrescu-

big momma with big booba  


pretty cute for a ghost, get to know her and you'll become one-  


keep your eyes on him everyone, dont turn away or he'll snap your neck  


shy guy, basically the rake and slenderman combined- stare at him and you'll meet your demise in a gruesome way  

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner-

a classic line turned into a skin, what more would you want?  

Ghosty Boo-

a friendly ghost that brings positivity and joy uwu  

Ghosty Ghoul-

source of most evils, a corrupted ghost, everything he touches wilts and dies, except ghosty boo  


duck's got a knife and is robbin a bank, robber honk  

Good Boi-

wouldnt you like to pet him? so cute with his top hat and oh so dapper  


a puppet gone rogue, does not obey to the hand  


tuxedo man with a plan, intent to kill you with his charming smile  

Do You Know Da Wae-

mah queen, mah queen do you know da wae?  


gOTta gO fAst  


full of nutrients and love, both a pet and a snack~  


sad doggo is sad  

Buff Cat-

buff cat owo, will break you in half like a toothpick  

Long Cat-

he'll reach for the stars, rest in peace  


thicc rabbit that wants all your carrots  


is it a crow? or a gorilla? im at least sure it can defeat me in a battle-  


birb mama, just a statue, or is it?  

Get Gnomed-

you just got gnomeddd  


he is the master of stonks, a man who'll always be succesful in business  

Rick Astley-

he'll never give you up, let you down, run around and desert you~  


man's about to dance for his country  



Coffin Dance-

"death is a celebration of a life, so we dance"  

Annoyed Girl-

she just wants to go home-  

Trumpet Boy-

i will play the trumpet for my girl~  

Sike And Mully-

something seems off between them, probably a new haircut?  

Everything Is Fine-

is everything really fine when it isn't?  

Steve The Shortie-

a short steve, no context at all  



Y U Mad-



he just lost a fortnite game, dont bother him-  

Optimum Pride-

oy pu*ing ina si optimum pride- URGHEERGUERGH  

Bumbul Bul-

ito oh- si bumbul bul-  

Squid Game Soldier-

follow the game's rules and you wont get "terminated" 

Cha Cha Real Smooth-

slide to the right, slide to the left, criss cross, criss cross, cha cha real smooth  


big sister of the 4 teletubbies  

Peppa Pig-

a british pig that goes on adventures-  


man's about to vector you~  


hes about to steal the moon~  


he's just clownin around 


ah yes, the floor here is made out of floor  

Darth Vader-

he will kill you with the force, no mercy from him~  

Edna Mode-

best hero fashion designer in the industry-  

Bill Cipher-

about to end your universe and cause armageddon  


he always has tools for everything~  

Thumb Thumbs-

henchmen which will grab you and made of thumbs,10/10 nightmare fuel  

Lightning Mcqueen-

he's the fastest car around-  

Thomas The Train-

he'll charge into the tracks to achieve victory- 


hes just a bit sour and misunderstood~  


he'll stretch you outta trouble  


man of will, and respect, a man in a world of creatures  


she's a short tech freak that can fix up any electronics for you  

Jimmy Neutron-

can't handle the  neutron style can you?  

Jack Skellington-

about to turn christmas back into halloween  

Red Guy-

a monotone red guy who just wants to have fun with his friends  

Mona Lisa-

this painting will haunt you in your dreams~  

Monkey Jesus-

best restoration piece in history~  


about to punch you into oblivion  


he's gonna kame hame ha you  


sharingan master that can anticipate your every move  


mah spooderman pant r in da wash  


he's about to divide the population into half with a single snap  

Do You Like Jazz-

seriously tho, do you like jazz?  


oh mah lawd its buff squidward  

Patrick Heels-

he's gonna heel his way into your heart  


there are no mistakes, just happy accidents~


★ new order of skins, new format page, with better descriptions and individual pictures for each, and the skins now have watermark, makes it harder for people to steal it


Q & A: 

Q: Do these all work on The Hive?
A: Yes they all do! 

Q: Can I use this skinpack in my youtube channel?
A: Yes you can! Just make sure to properly give credit by linking this page in your video description. 

Q: Will there be more updates to the pack?
A: Of course there will! But since im the only one who is developing the pack, it will take more time and make all the skins needed, still try to stay tuned for these precious updates 😮 

Q: Where can I give my suggestions for skins or certain pack improvements?
A: Well, you can comment down below for these suggestions, I usually respond within 2 hours

You Are not Allowed to: 

Spread this pack through another link, or pass it off as a zip file instead of the website 

Spread this pack under your name, or in simple terms "stealing" it


Topic starter Posted : 24/11/2021 10:39 am
Illustrious Member Admin


Topic starter Posted : 26/11/2021 5:03 pm