Tal's Wolf Clan Skin Pack
This skin pack is designed to compliment my Tal's Armor Rework Add-on, but it'll suit anyone who likes a classic fantasy/rpg aesthetic. There are 16 skins in total for you to enjoy. NOTE - Please ask my permission before using these skins for any purpose in your own add-ons or videos. I'll probably say yes, as long as you give proper credit!

The skins are organised into 9 distinct "classes" which loosely follow rpg standards. Some have a wide and slim body variants to make up the 16 skins. Enjoy!

Battle-mage "Scarlett"

Battle-Mage "Agnis"

Beastmaster "Talis"

Blacksmith "Brokk"

Cleric "Larissa"

Cleric "Gorden"

Druid "Skye"

Druid "Hawke"

Paladin "Justina"

Paladin "Valens"

Rogue "Cassandra"

Rogue "Kaius"

Warrior "Shara"

Warrior "Kyren"
creator: https://twitter.com/TalamusThompson
30/1/22 (Add-on page fixes)
-Fixed misaligned images and text on mod page
If on pc, simply right click and open with Minecraft to install.
Any other device will need some kind of file explorer program to unzip and install this skinpack.