The Connected Dream Skin Pack [Update]
Hi everyone!!! now it looks more like a skin pack because just yesterday there was an important meeting with friends even though it was a dream to be beautiful.
The most used place in this world is skin packs, I will add some important skins, lots of questions later because that's why I haven't made friends with anyone with the same skin tone 🙂
Do I have links for youtube and twitter? I have youtube and twitter to provide below link:
- xXSintaGamerXx [ New ]

- Dervano Aulia Dzaki

- Bagaskara ND

- TheRangFoxy

- ZahrMineTM

- Steve

- Alex

- Arief FF

- Mhd. Fathi Athalloh

- Amalia Salvan

- Aghnia_KhinaMC

- ITz_SaliimCoconutt

- BagasMarHB

- TiaraBacot

- RidhoOHoh

- GreenLightZahr_

- DarisColy

- Bpk. Muslim

- AntiGirlsV

- WildaBocil

- SheillaVX [ Fixed ]

- SyafraFH

- NessaFelecia

- AdindaTYR [ New ]

- DyaZoF [ New ]

It's available due to some new mcpe skin pack friends: xXSintaGamerXx, TheRangFoxy, Dervano Aulia Dzaki, Bagaskara ND, ZahrMineTM, Steve, Alex, Arief FF, Mhd. Fathi Athalloh, Amalia Salvan, AghniaKhinaMC, ITzSaliimCoconutt, BagasMarHB, TiaraBacot, RidhoOHoh, GreenLightZahr_, DarisColy, Bpk. Muslim, AntiGirlsV, WildaBocil, SheillaVX, SyafraFH NessaFelecia, AdindaTYR, and DyaZoE This one is only for Minecraft 1.18. Is it possible for mcpe skin pack version 1.17? could be skin pack mcpe version 1.18 - 1.17+
--- [ Update ] ---
- Added 2 New Skins.
- AdindaTYR
- DyaZoE
- Click Download for " The Connected Dream Skin Pack 11.mcpack"
- Download is complete, you have to click on it "The Connected Dream Skin Pack 11.mcpack"
- Then Open starts loading the game. Wait for import to enjoy!!!