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MCPE/Bedrock The Female Anime Characters v1.4

Illustrious Member Admin

The Female Anime Characters v1.4 [Skin Pack]

Your favorite cute female anime characters compiled from the community can now be in your Minecraft game! Featuring over 15+ female skins and still counting – each known for possessing great skills, power and looks! 

   Compiled by: r4isen1920. For a list of creators and contributors, seek texts below.

   Pack version: v1.4

Skin Search

If you are the original skin creator, you can submit your version of a Female Anime Character skin – by filling up a message form in here.

  • Your name will be included below; and
  • The original skin download link

Skin Sources & Credits

A. NovaSkins

 》 Visit: NovaSkin Website

 Most skins here are hosted from the NovaSkin website. The following skins can be publicly used by the community, under the ‘fair-use’ policy. But still, to respect the original link and its creators, I will be leaving their original download links here from where I got them.

B. PlanetMinecraft Skins

  Some skins in this skin pack are created by original skin creators from PlanetMinecraft. I asked for their permission beforehand before putting their respective skins in the skin pack. Please visit their PlanetMinecraft and view their other amazing works!

Skin Lists

A. Current Skin List

 Kindly report sites or links that are no longer available. For the one’s who got their skin’s submitted here, you can ask my directly to change the link displayed here, as soon as possible.

B. Weekly New Skins (v1.2)

 New skins are added, more commonly, every week! You can download and stay up to date by viewing a short ad before downloading the pack; or, by simply downloading the previous version of the pack which is Adfly-free!


  • These skins are used with the ‘fair-use’ policy – to be used as a compilation or a parody of their original works in here. I do not steal their creations. Please help me know each and individual’s respective works, and we’ll resolve any problems if there is.
ChangelogView more
  • Update Delay. This is due to the fact that asking permissions from the original skin creators takes some time. As much as possible, I will no longer be getting skins from NovaSkins because you cannot identify the original skin creator of it. The skins above may be changed or removed over time, but will be replaced by PlanetMinecraft or official skin creator's skin.
  • Weekly New Skins. As usual, 5 new skins have been added! Enjoy


  • You can only download the skins you want manually from the original links if you are low on storage, or download the skin pack that includes them all.
  • Note: Please make sure you delete the previous skin pack version, if you have, before importing this again!

Installation FAQ

 A. For iOS/Apple

  1. Download the TMAC from the download links provided above.
  2. Opening the .mcpack: Minecraft should automaticlly import the skin pack if you have the Minecraft version 1.8 or above.
  3. Enjoy the skin pack!

 B. For Xbox

  1. Download the TMAC from the download links provided above.
  2. Extracting the .zip: Extract the .zip file using a file explorer that you use on Xbox. Then, copy or move the 'TMAC Skins' to your Minecraft's skin_pack folder!
  3. Opening the .mcpack: Simply open the .mcpack and Minecraft should automatically launch & then import the skin pack.


Topic starter Posted : 09/09/2019 5:16 pm