Troll Pack
With this simple package of aspects you will be able to go unnoticed, since with it you will be able to hide your armor, of any type, the trident, the shield and even the bow, it also has an invisible aspect, perfect for not being detected. This pack contains four troll textures, Steve, Alex, Rafiky73, the creator of this skin pack, and the invisible texture.
Tired of making invisibility potions that detect your position?
Don't worry, with this appearance pack you will be able to camouflage yourself without any problem and without the need for potions.

You can also make the armor invisible along with the trident and shield.

This pack includes four textures, Steve's texture, Alex, the texture creator, Rafiky73 and finally the invisible texture.

This skin pack works on any version of Minecraft that supports the skin pack and on Android and Windows 10.