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Villagers Old Pack
I collected skins of players of old residents and zombie residents, making a skin pack out of this!Note: All the versions that I named are Java versions, but from the Pocket Edition I don't know the names of the versions, because I only played Java! There are 13 skins in total, of which 1 was before version 1.9 and 12 that were before version 1.14(i Russian)


Villagers Old Pack (Full Version)
- Added 13 skins
- Added more screenshots
Method # 1
1) Find the downloaded file and open with Minecraft
2) Wait for the download of the skin pack and choose any skin
Method # 2 (if 1 didn't work)
1) Rename the .mcpack extension to .zip
2) Unpack this path: games/com.mojang/skin_packs
3) Open Minecraft and choose any skin
Topic starter Posted : 20/06/2021 10:27 am