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Villager Skin Pack
Hello my username is Masamune456!This time I want you to try my newest skin pack, the Villager SkinPack.(This skin is still in an early version, and there may be changes)
in this version I only made Skins for plains biomes, but in the next update I will add new biomes!
this is the image form in the skin menu

I've made all their profession skins!

The list:
1. Farmer
2. Butcher
3. Fisherman
4. Librarian
5. Armorer
6. ToolSmith
7. Shepherd
8. LeatherWorker
9. Cleric
10. Cartographer
11. Fletcher
12. WeaponSmith
13. Mason
And a little extra that is:
1. No Profession
2. Nitwit
Enjoy this skin 🙂
I will try to change their hands tomorrow a little
You only need to click, because this file is in the form of mcpack
creator: Masamune456
Topic starter Posted : 16/09/2019 7:17 pm
Topic starter Posted : 16/10/2021 10:02 pm