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MCPE/Bedrock Zombie Villager Skin Pack

Illustrious Member Admin

Zombie Villager Skin Pack

Hello my username is Masamune456 I come from Indonesia. This time I have made a suitable skin for the Halloween Theme, namely Zombie Villager SkinPack.

This time I've now made a zombie-themed Villager skin, maybe this will be suitable for you zombie lovers, kidding


Not all of them are made by me, I also take samples from file Minecraft and from Yt: AreYouMadLol

Don't worry I've made a variant of the zombie skin, starting from Plains, Desert, Savanna, Taiga, Snow, Jungle, and Swamp

Plains Zombie Villager

Desert Zombie Villager

Savanna Zombie Villager

Taiga Zombie Villager

Snow Zombie Villager

Jungle Zombie Villager

Swamp Zombie Villager


Ive made all their profession skins!

The list:
1. Farmer
2. Butcher
3. Fisherman
4. Librarian
5. Armorer
6. ToolSmith
7. Shepherd
8. LeatherWorker
9. Cleric
10. Cartographer
11. Fletcher
12. WeaponSmith
13. StoneMason

And a little extra that is:
1. No Proffesion
2. Nitwit


improvements to the swamp villager's head, yes, it's a little bit bad


for the Mcpack file you just need to click on it, it will be directly installed in your Minecraft

and for the zip file, you have to extract it first, then place it in your Minecraft SkinPack file

creator: Masamune456

Topic starter Posted : 18/11/2021 12:03 pm