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MCPE/Bedrock Zombies Skin Pack (It has the Zombie Attack Animations)

Illustrious Member Admin

Zombies Skin Pack (It has the Zombie Attack Animations)


This Skin pack includes some Zombie Skins with their animations for Minecraft Bedrock, this Skin pack works on Consoles, IOS, Android and PC, It may not work on servers running in pocketmine

This Skin pack uses better animations than the zombies from official Minecraft Skin packs
This Skin pack does not require any resource pack
You do not need to modify the game for this Skin pack to work just open it with Minecraft and its ready to go


  1. Zombie
  2. Husk
  3. Drowned
  4. Zombie Pigman
  5. Slamacow Zombie
  6. Zombie C
  7. Steve (It is not a zombie, but he is in the skin pack in case you want to replace the skin with yours)
  8. Alex (It is not a zombie, but he is in the skin pack in case you want to replace the skin with yours)
  9. Alexbrine
  10. Herobrine -Added herobrine

When you hit any block, place, interact, hit a player or entity the skin will do the zombie attack animation:

This does not break other animations in the game, for example the bow:

If you are going to publish this skin pack on another site (Example YouTube) the link must lead to this page!


  • Fixed small problems with the animations 
  • Fixed some gifs on the page not working properly
Topic starter Posted : 28/07/2022 2:36 pm