
MCPE/Bedrock 4 Play...
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MCPE/Bedrock 4 Players Build Battle

Illustrious Member Admin

4 Players Build Battle


Hi! My name is Hiyyu and this is my second map. This time I made a build battle map. If you want to see more information of the map, go down! Btw, sorry if my English is bad :’)


Like the name of the map..I make a build battle map, there are 4 Players..but i make 2 if you want to 4 Players, wait me..i will make it in the future. 

And if you want to see the fiture of the map you can go down in your spawn. There is a scaffolding 🙂

There are 1 fiture..there is a “Reset The Build” i will make more fiture on the future, so..stay tune..



Thank you if you read all what i say, and what you waiting for ? Go download my map if you like it! See ya..!!


-Fixing link media fire

- -fixing bug in the game



• Click the link (green text)

• If you go to the Mediafire, then click the green box the name of box is "4 Players Build Battle"

• And last,import the map to the MINECRAFT

creator: Hiyyu


Topic starter Posted : 12/10/2020 4:59 pm