
MCPE/Bedrock 4 Play...
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MCPE/Bedrock 4 Players Build Battle

Illustrious Member Admin

4 Players Build Battle


Hi! My name is Hiyyu and this is my second map. This time I made a build battle map. If you want to see more information of the map, go down! Btw, sorry if my English is bad :’)


Like the name of the map..I make a build battle map, there are 4 Players..and I will make a more future so, wait me..i will make it in the future. 

And if you want to see the future of the map you can go down in your spawn. There is a scaffolding 🙂

There are 1 future..there is a “Reset The Build” i will make more future on the future, so..stay tune..




Thank you if you read all what i say, and what you waiting for ? Go download my map if you like it! See ya..!!


- Now with 4 players

- Im sorry I not Post the 2 more Screenshoot



• Click the link (green text)

• If you go to the Mediafire, then click the green box the name of box is "4 Players Build Battle"

• And last,import the map to the MINECRAFT

creator: Hiyyu



Topic starter Posted : 19/10/2020 5:27 pm