AMG Prisons (Modded)
Wanna play prisons & Pvp at the same time? well no problem in AMG Prisons! what if you want to chill? again no problem at all, we have something for everyone, Pvp mines, normal mines. modded tools, ranks, & so much more!
Welcome to AMG Prisons. This map features an array of various mines for you to mine ores & fight for your life in the pvp mine, once you have gathered up enough experience, you may buy more and better equipment from the shops featured at the prison lobby. As you collect more ores you can upgrade to bigger & better mines.
I was also asked if I made the “modded” part of the game, THE ANWSER IS YES EVERYTHING YOU SEE IS MADE BY ME OR MY TEAM
I was asked if I created this world alone, the answer is no, I created this map with the help of my team Hayden/GoopyGaming. I would link his socials but he doesn’t have any 🙂

* Changelog
- Added Support for Diamond, Iron, Gold, ores.
- Minor bug fixes
- shop improved, now you can sell more the 1 item at a time.
- added "AstroCrate", get random items, that could help you, or help you fail!
Download, import, enjoy 🙂