Apples - Skywars Map
Apples - Skywars MapDiscord - MarvinMCC#0741 | Youtube - Click me! ¿What is my content about? From the creation of maps and textures, everything that is uploaded to this profile is content created by my 'MarvinMCC' Continue down to read all the information to download this map!..
Apples - Skywars Map
It is a map of SKYWARS with shapes of apples with a fairly high approach from island to island, this to make it a fairly fast and fun pvp so your players do not get bored, you can download it totally free and use it for your MCPE server or just use it with your friends

Fixed an error that caused the user to not be able to enter the world.
Fixed spelling issues.
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Thanks for taking the time to read and share! Have a nice day...