Biomes -Adventure hide and Seek-
An exciting hide and seek map to do with exploring in Minecraft -one of its main features- and adventuring into the unknown. Explore the six quadrants of the map whilst the seeker chases after you!
In the main hub, you can choose from 5 different starting areas that all players will spawn in once you press the button.
do not press more than one button at once or it will glitch!
Once the map starts, the randomly chosen hiders will have around 30 seconds to hide (the seeker is kept back during that time). Eventually, the seeker is released and they punch can punch a hider once to convert them to a seeker. The game will end when the last hider is converted or the seekers run out of their 7 minute time limit.
alternatively, you can hold the fishing rod in your inventory to end the match
This is a multiplayer map only.

Ocean section

End area


Desert and sea

The Nether
creator: Iceator
- I added images of gameplay
- Formatted the paragraphs more clearly