Block Party! – Beta
Bored? Have nothing to play? Grab a few friends and play Block Party! A game where you must stand the specified color and not fall to your death! (Beta Version)
Welcome to Block Party, in this game you will need at least 2 players for this to work. Once then jump onto the pedestal where you will be teleported to the map. Once then you will be given on a countdown will will be displayed on you XP bar. Once the counter has finished a random color will appear above your hotbar, the color that is displayed above will be the color that you must stand on.
– Map entirely by MarkTheHeroic.
– Thank you to testers: BalloonData, Ally, Small and Jess.
Music in game is not yet installed (note block version))
- Fixed bug where all colors would disappear!
- Fixed game reset system!
- New color randomize system!
Mobile: Click the .mcworld download, tap on it and it should open MCPE on it's own.
Windows-10: Same aspect, if you can't import it through a .mcworld use the zip file, unzip it and turn it into a .mcworld. One done open the new .mcworld file