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Capture The Wool
Welcome to Capture The Wool! Capture The Wool is a world where you can bring the childhood experience of capture the flag to Minecraft! You can play with anywhere from 2-24 players, and the best part is, there are no mods, only commands!
There are many exciting features in this arena!
– When you are on your side, you cannot die!
– You go to a “jail” for 5 seconds once you get killed!
– There are many trees in the arena, to hide behind, and giving a “park-ish” feel!
A view of the arena, complete with trees and jails!
The “flag” system, which dispenses wool which you can place on your pedestal.
A view of the arena from the blue team’s jail, the result of getting tagged,
creator: Diced
Topic starter Posted : 01/04/2020 7:07 pm