COD ZOMBIES Inspired: Nacht Der Untoten (Holiday 2021) [Minigame]
Happy Holidays!Christmas has arrived at the zombie infested bunker. This holiday, however, doesn't stop the undead from rising. They might look festive, but they still hunger for flesh. Don't be alarmed! The holiday brought with it some new tools and friends to the map. Will you be able to use them to your advantage? Or will you die getting cross fired by the Snow Sentry you summoned to protect you?
For the first time ever, I have decided to release a seasonal variant of one of my current maps. Similar to how many games do seasonal events, this release is designed to coincide with the winter holidays. But instead of just adding snow and calling it a day, I decided to expand and enhance the map. With this release I decided to change/open up some already existing areas of the map. On top of that, I added three new areas underground with multiple ways to access them. That's not all. I added a new seasonal wonder weapon, new ways to obtain perks, an armor system, an additional currency system for the new map vendor, multiple Mystery Box locations, and much more! All this is designed to help the slaying. Have fun and keep your eyes in the sky...
Things to Know:
SANTA: Occasionally, Santa will fly over the map and drop some goodies. You will hear him when he's near and a message will pop up letting everyone know that he's about to drop a present. At first the loot will be normal, but as time goes on, the loot will increase in value. You could get lucky from the start or you could get rotten flesh the whole time.
PERK BARRELS: I have decided to introduce perks to Nacht Der Untoten through this holiday update, however they behave differently. Here, you cannot "buy" perks using rotten flesh. In order to obtain a perk, you need a Perk Flask. Each perk has a Perk Flask which can be obtained through Enrique, The Vendor or presents. You can only obtain a perk if you have its specific Perk Flask. For example, to obtain Quick Revive, you need the Quick Revive Flask in your inventory. Also, the perks aren't permanent, they only last 10 mins before the effect goes away. You can obtain the perk again if you get the Perk Flask again.
ENRIQUE, THE VENDOR: For the first time, I have introduced an npc vendor to one of my maps. Enrique is here to provide the player with the new items/features that the map brings. Through him, you can buy armor, Perk Flasks, power ups, and more. When it comes to Enrique, rotten flesh is useless. He only takes cookies as payment, so make sure you don't eat them if you want some of goods. He is located above spawn by the staircase.
COOKIES: Cookies are an additional currency for the map. To be specific, they are required to buy from Enrique, The Vendor. The primary way to obtain cookies are through killing zombies. Each zombie drops one cookie. Other ways of obtaining cookies are through presents and the Cookie Baker on the map.
*Since this is a seasonal map. I will not provide any updates after December. I may provide some bug fixes here and there, but no major changes*
It is worth noting that the weapons are just the regular tools/weapons from Minecraft, just renamed like the ones from COD. For Example, the “Colt M1911” is an enchanted pickaxe.
Included in the download are:
-The world itself
-A map specific RESOURCE PACK
-A map specific BEHAVIOR PACK
-A free skin (WWII German Winter Soldier)

IMPORTANT: if you want to continue to replay the map as it is intended to be played, make a COPY of the ORIGINAL and keep the ORIGINAL. That copy will be the one you will play on, so add the Resource Pack and Behavior Pack to the copy of the world. If you die in the copy of the world and want to play again: Exit out of the world, delete the copy, make a new copy of the original world, and load it up again. You must do this every time you want to play the map as there is no “Exit without Saving” feature in this version of Minecraft.
If you are new to downloading maps. PLEASE READ-
Clicking on the link should take you to Media Fire which is where you will download the map. Once there, click on the GREEN download button to download the map.
*NOTICE*: Upon clicking on the green button, a new tab might open. This has nothing to do with the map so, if a new tab does open, simply close it and click on the GREEN download button again if you need to in order to start the download. You then must choose a file location to save the world in.
For ".zip": Once you download the ".zip" file, find it, right click it, and press "Extract all". From there, take the extracted map folder itself [Nacht Der Untoten(Holiday 21)] and place it inside your "minecraftWorlds" folder. To access you Minecraft worlds for Windows 10 copy and paste this link
"username" must be replaced with the user you are currently using on your device/computer
For ".mcworld" :simply choose a destination and double click it to automatically begin the import process to your Minecraft.
For the skin, just extract the "WWII German Winter Soldier" file and import it to through Minecraft.