COD Zombies: WaW-Zombie Verrückt [Minigame]
After seeing that many of you enjoyed my Nacht Der Untoten recreation I figured I'd make another recreation. This time I decided to recreate Verrückt from COD: World at War. I tried to stay as true to the original as possible while also staying true to Minecraft and I believe it is a good mix.
This is a “recreation” of the classic COD zombies experience: Verrückt, the second zombies map ever in a Call of Duty. It includes buyable areas, buyable wall weapons and equipment, a working and movable “Mystery Box”, a working power system, buyable perks, working electric traps, a “revive/respawn” system, a lobby spawn room to ready up before the start of a game, and a few small Easter Eggs similar to the ones from the original map! Play alone or with friends to combat the undead.
It is worth noting that the weapons are just the regular tools/weapons from Minecraft, just renamed like the ones from COD. For Example, the "Colt M1911" is an enchanted pickaxe.
Things to Know:
LOBBY ROOM: The Lobby Room is the first room you spawn in when joining/ opening the world and the central hub for the whole map. There, you can: set how many players will play (from 1-4), check out the map credits, check out how to report bugs/feedback, turn on music while you wait for friends to join, teleport to the tutorial room, and load up the map so you can play by going into the “ready up” pod with the correct number of players.
TUTORIAL ROOM: Whether you haven’t played any of my maps, are new to zombies, or just want to know how this map works, the tutorial room is the best place to get the basic rundown of how everything works. To get to it, press the button on the GOLD BLOCK in the Lobby Room. If you want to get back to the Lobby Room, press the button on the DIAMOND BLOCK once you’re ready.
SEPARATED SPAWNS: This map is unique because it features "separated spawns". What I mean is that there are two possible sides of a door that players can spawn on at the start. With those two sides, there are two groups of players that form if you're playing multiplayer (2 players on one side and two players on the other). The players can meet up again by reaching the power room.
Included in the download are:
-The world itself
-A map specific RESOURCE PACK
-A map specific BEHAVIOR PACK
-A free skin (WaW Marine)

IMPORTANT: if you want to continue to replay the map as it is intended to be played, make a COPY of the ORIGINAL and keep the ORIGINAL. That copy will be the one you will play on, so add the Resource Pack and Behavior Pack to the copy of the world. If you die in the copy of the world and want to play again: Exit out of the world, delete the copy, make a new copy of the original world, and load it up again. You must do this every time you want to play the map as there is no “Exit without Saving” feature in this version of Minecraft.
update 11: The Big One
Universal changes (Changes coming to all other maps):
-BIG CHANGE: zombies can now track players from a further distance (similar to actual COD Zombies). Players might now have to change up their playstyle if they want to stay alive.
-added "difficulty" option in map lobby (Easy, Normal, Hard, Nightmare)
-zombies now have texture variation like all other maps
-added text cue for Mystery Box purchase and grabbing a "Nuke" power up
-updated High Score display to include "difficulty"
-added a parkour course in the lobby room for players to use while they wait for friends to join
-added a "cooldown" to request revive button to prevent spam
-added small "fog" effect to map for atmosphere
-updated "things to know" board in tutorial room
Map specific changes:
-hid some mob spawners from view
-took out some mob spawners from map
If you are new to downloading maps. PLEASE READ-
Clicking on the link should take you to Media Fire which is where you will download the map. Once there, click on the GREEN download button to download the map.
*NOTICE*: Upon clicking on the green button, a new tab might open. This has nothing to do with the map so, if a new tab does open, simply close it and click on the GREEN download button again if you need to in order to start the download. You then must choose a file location to save the world in.
For ".zip": Once you download the ".zip" file, find it, right click it, and press "Extract all". From there, take the extracted map folder itself (COD WaW-Verrückt) and place it inside your "minecraftWorlds" folder. To access you Minecraft worlds for Windows 10 copy and paste this link
"username" must be replaced with the user you are currently using on your device/computer
For ".mcworld" :simply choose a destination and double click it to automatically begin the import process to your Minecraft.
For the skin, just extract the "WaW Marine" file and import it to through Minecraft.
Just click the link and the download will start. After it is done, click on the download to upload the map to your Minecraft.
creator: StoicTester154