Commander ClanTags' Mine-Opoly
C4³ Studios presents another Commander ClanTag creation. This 2 - 4 player interactive Minecraft Monopoly map includes bidding and mortgaging and many other small features that make this map one of a kind. Players can also be jailed for speeding (rolling too many doubles). The game also comes with a custom trade system and economy.
At the beginning of the game, each player will be given 4000 dollars, a build tool, a demolition tool, a trade chest option, a monocle (spyglass), a random colored wool that's unique to them (blue,red,yellow and green for players 1-4 respectively) and placed on the "GO" space. Player 1 (blue) will be given the dice. Throughout the game each player will be identifiable by the colored block that hovers over their head. Also, any properties purchased by a player will also have the colored block associated to that player displayed on the header of that property.

When a player rolls the dice and lands on a property that isn't owned, they can choose to purchase that property for the listed price shown on the properties kiosk by pressing the button. If they purchase it, the property card will appear on the property displaying the rents owed and the new owner will also have that property card added to their inventory. This card can be traded for money or other properties at anytime.

If they choose not to purchase and roll the dice again on the following turn, that property goes to auction and can be bid on by any player.

How to Bid:
Holding your build tool in hand, look at the auctioneers lectern (it will be floating in the middle of the game board and lit up with green particles). Use your build tool to bid $100 at a time.
The auctioneer will say "going once", "going twice", "going three times" with a three second interval between each call out. If another player bids before the three second count after the last call out, that player now has the highest bid and will win the bid if no-one challenges it. When you win a bid, you pay the amount owed and have the property added to your inventory.

If you run out of money you can either mortgage a property that hasn't been built on, sell houses and hotels back to the bank for half price or trade properties for cash with other players to make a quick buck. Once you have have zero dollars you only have a minute to make some money or you lose (cash in hand or in the trading chest is not considered cash in game so if your holding all your cash in hand or in the trading chest, put in back in your inventory or you risk losing!). You mortgage and un-mortgage properties by looking at the property header where the totems are located and using your build tool to mortgage and your demolition tool to un-mortgage.

To build on a property, you must own all the properties associated with that color group. Build by looking at the property and using your build tool. When you build houses you will build across all properties in the color group at the same time, meaning that if you own all three light blue properties and build a house on one, the game will automatically build houses on the other two properties if you can afford it. Demolishing houses (selling back to the bank) works the same way.

When you upgrade your properties from houses to hotels, the houses are given back to the bank and are replaced with hotels that charge tenants the highest rent possible for that property.

If Jailed you can either take your turn and try to roll doubles until you are released three turns later or you can pay the $100 dollar fine or use a get out of jail free card.

Become the richest player and bankrupt your competition to win!

Disabled the ability to fly, even in creative which is the maps default game mode.
Fixed an issue with landing on goto jail that forced undeserved wins during two player matches.
Download both the mcworldand the mcaddon files and double click them to add them to your minecraft game. Each player needs to have them installed.
*note: This map is requires alot of cpu and gpu to run smoothly. It may lag on slower computers.
creator: Commander Clan Tag