Dead By Dawn | Chapter Three | [Horror] [Minigame]
Dead By Dawn is a multiplayer game where one killer is randomly selected and the rest of the players are survivors. The Killer's only objective is to eliminate all of the survivors while the survivor's objective is to repair generators and open the exit gates, escaping the clutches of the Killer. You need two or more players to play! (Recommended 3-5).
After So Much Time, We Are Finally Releasing Dead By Dawn, Chapter 3!!! My Apologies For The Delay!!!
- The Rake, more commonly known as SCP 096, is a very unique killer and still has no origin to his name. The Rake is a ravenous killer that is hostile when disturbed by those who dare to get in his way.
- Horrid Haunting - This ability allows THE RAKE to slowly charge a power meter that will be able to become 'active' when the user is at 0. The meter continues to drop when the killer is near players (8 Block Radius). When this ability is activated, the user will be stunned for a short amount of time charging up HORRID HAUNTING. When finished charging, the user will continue to scream and will have very strong buffs while also instantly knocking down survivors.
- Quick Scream - When survivors are in your range (20 Block Radius), you will let out a scream and then have some speed for a short amount of time. [30 Second Cooldown]
- Smiting - The Rake, when the ability is activated, will smite all players on the map. This will deal damage, show their location, and possibly knock them for a quick and easy kill.
- Generator Disorder - The Rake will be able to disable generators for a short time.
- Final Order - Once all generators are activated, The Rake will activate HORRID HAUNTING, giving him his ability for a couple minutes. Survivors will have shaking screens, music, and more for the rest of the round.
- Feasting - When The Rake has HORRID HAUNTING activated, he can eat and completely eliminate one survivor from the round when they are knocked. [Does Not Require A Hook To Kill]
- Jessica is a strong and independent woman carrying a lot to the table. She is able to defend herself with her advanced gear and catch the deadly by placing down as many bear traps as she wishes.ABILITIES! (Jessica Winters)
- Bear Traps - Allows the survivor to place down bear traps around the map to defend themselves and others from the killer. If the killer steps in the traps, they will be stunned for a short time. [10 Second Stun Duration]
- Security Cameras - The user is allowed to place cameras around the map. If the killer walks by them, the user will be notified.
- Tracking Device - This device is in the users offhand for the entire round . This can detect when the killer is near.
- Uneasy - When the killer is near the survivor, they will be able to tell when they are near with a sudden shaking on their screen.
- Crawling - When the survivor is downed, they can crawl slightly faster than any other survivor.
This Was Also Talked About A TON in The Discord Server. If You Want The Newest Updates On Changes Coming To The Game, Like These, I Highly Recommend You Join Here.
HOOKS!!! (Updated For Bugs, Again. Hopefully For The Last Time.)
Hooks are a feature that the killer must use to win the game. The killer has to hook survivors three times, OR they can sit on the hook for a total of sixty seconds and move up a stage of being hooked. Survivors must be hooked three times to be killed. To start hooking a survivor, the killer needs to first knock them down, then carry them to a hook. Once they go to a hook, they stand on the crying obsidian and hook the survivor.

In order for the survivors to escape, they must successfully repair five generators and open the exit gates. To repair generators, the survivors must complete skill checks. To start repairing a generator, and complete skill checks, the survivors need to drop the green concrete in the second slot of their hotbar while near a generator. Then, they must throw the green concrete out of their inventory when the skill check is active (Throwing a red concrete will cause the survivor to fail the skill check. Failing to complete the skill check in a certain amount of time will cause the survivor to fail the skill check). A total of five skill checks need to be completed in order to fix a generator.

Abilities and Tools help Survivors and The Killer progress through the round (More information about these can be found in game in the "Characters" section of the map.
- The Forest (Changed Back To Original)
- Mayhem Manor (Small Map Changes)
...More Maps Coming Soon! I Promise!...
Just some modifications you can make to your game (More coming soon..). You can turn these on and off in the "Settings" section of the map.
- Copyrighted Music
- Rain/Weather
- Abilities (Activates and Deactivates Abilities for the round)
- Easy Generators (Instantly Fix Generators)
- Equal Speed (Everyone Has The Same Speed)
- Natural Regeneration
More Settings Coming Soon! Suggest Some Ideas In The Discord Server!..
During the previous release (Dead By Dawn v2.1),there was many bugs and there may still be more in the newest update. Please be aware and patient for us to fix them, the game is still in BETA!
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to join the discord provided. (Updates/Information Will Also Be Posted Here, So Make Sure To Join!).
Discord - (Updated Link, Sorry About That. And Don't Forget JOIN!!! We Have Very Little People Receiving The Newest Content Released EARLY!! Make Sure To Not Miss Out!!)
Join the Dead By Dawn realm! (Constantly updated and will always have new updates posted here first)
Realm - Join for new content and more!
Check out some more content on my YouTube channel! I will be posting updates as well as trailers for more games here!
YouTube - Trailers, New Updates, AND MORE! (New Videos Coming Soon Here! So Make Sure To Subscribe!!!)
The Official DBD Chapter 3 Trailer!
The Official DBD Release Trailer!
Dead By Dawn | Teaser Trailer - YouTube
RedSlimeTime25 - Creator/Programmer/Builder/Resource Pack Creator
flimmyflammy537 - Builder
Toloveapumpkin - Builder
CreeperZXGamer - Builder
Camo ninja - Builder
-This game is highly inspired by 'Dead By Daylight' by bEHAVIOR and is simply a hand-crafted recreation in Minecraft Bedrock Edition. All credit of inspiration and game ideas/mechanics goes to them.

Added A New Killer! The Rake!
Added A New Survivor! Jessica Winters!
Map Changes
A Ton Bug Fixes
I've also included the texture pack in the download section, just in case anybody doesn't have or isn't able to get it on the world itself. If you cant download the newest resource pack, delete the current one on your game and then download it again.